8 Tips for Healthy Walks


Pet Acoustics has a fun solution for your dog and it's all in the walk. Make walks more fun, vigorous and beneficial.

We do walk our dogs over 10,000 times during their lifetime and ours for that matter so what's the trick to changing it up and have a healthier life for your dog?

Use a halter or harness for vigorous walking. If you use a collar make sure it doesn’t pull on the the dog’s throat for control.

Should be six feet long. For better control use a four-foot leash.  This will keep your dog close to your body as you change your pace.

Make sure to bring water with you especially if you are going a longer distance than just your average pee and poo walk. There are many good products on the market to choose from.

Pace- People walking with their dogs can walk 25 minutes per mile.  Dogs can handle brisk pacing so curb your dog from stopping at every bush to keep the walk moving.

Leash Technique
Dogs love a vigorous walk and by keeping the leash close will indicate to your dog that you too, are moving alongside and keeping up with their pace.

Setting Goals
For most overweight dogs or dogs with obesity and have normal heart and lung function, normal blood pressure, and no other pre-existing medical conditions or injuries, start with thirty-minute walk five times per week.  As always check with your dog's veterinarian before starting any exercise program

Monthly Weight
You can visit your veterinarian to weigh your dog anytime and give them the number to record for your next official visit. Some pet stores also have scales to use and check weight. Additionally, at the veterinarian have a veterinary technician inspect the pads and legs for any issues and to ensure the nails are short and healthy. In time your dog's ideal weight will be reached to maintain for health.

DogsJanet MarlowDogs