Meditations with Your Pets

Pet Acoustics now offers a serene escape with your furry friend through our latest meditation series, featuring 5 guided sessions narrated by Janet Marlow, the visionary behind Pet Acoustics. Immerse yourself in ten minutes of tranquility as you explore the calming sounds of Earth, Rain, River, Desert, Forest, and Ocean. Dive into the links below to embark on this soothing journey, and please subscribe to our Pet Acoustics YouTube channel for more offerings.

Meditating with your pet can be a deeply beneficial practice for both you and your animal companion for several reasons:

Enhanced Bonding: Meditation can significantly enhance the bond between you and your pet. During meditation, you share a peaceful, quiet space that fosters trust and a deeper emotional connection. Animals are naturally sensitive to their environment and the emotions of their human companions. Being close to you in a calm state can strengthen this bond.

Mutual Stress Relief: Meditation is known for its stress-reducing effects. By meditating with your pet, you create a serene environment that helps both you and your pet relax. Pets often pick up on their owner's feelings; a relaxed owner can lead to a relaxed pet, which is beneficial for animals that may suffer from anxiety or stress-related behaviors.

Improved Health Benefits: For humans, meditation has been shown to reduce blood pressure, improve sleep patterns, and enhance overall mental health. These benefits can also extend to your pet. A calm, stress-free environment can contribute to better health and wellbeing for your pet, potentially leading to a longer and happier life.

Behavioral Improvement: Pets that are less stressed and more bonded with their owners tend to display fewer behavior problems. Regular meditation can help reduce anxiety-driven behaviors in pets such as excessive barking, scratching, or chewing.

Increased Awareness and Sensitivity: When you meditate, your sense of awareness is heightened. This increased sensitivity can improve your ability to pick up on subtle signs of discomfort or illness in your pet, allowing for prompter responses to their needs.

Creating Routine: Pets thrive on routine, and incorporating meditation into your daily schedule can provide a structured time of calm for your pet. This routine helps your pet to feel secure and content, knowing they have a quiet time to look forward to each day.

Meditating with your pet not only enhances your own practice by including the comforting presence of your pet but also provides significant emotional and health benefits to both of you, making it a rewarding activity to share.

"It has been a profound joy to develop and narrate these five meditations for you and your pet. The words I've chosen reflect my genuine affection for the relationships I've shared with dogs and cats in various natural environments. My ongoing dedication to connecting animals, music, and the diverse landscapes we explore daily remains strong. I trust that you and your pet will find enjoyment and peace in each meditation." Janet Marlow

Janet Marlow is a composer, researcher, and entrepreneur known for her innovative work in creating music specifically designed to calm and comfort animals. She is the founder and CEO of Pet Acoustics Inc., where her research and compositions focus on understanding animal hearing and the effects of sound and music on animal behavior. Her work primarily caters to various animals, including dogs, cats, horses, and birds, taking into account their unique hearing ranges and sensory perceptions to promote relaxation and well-being .

Cats, Dogs, Pet ParentJanet Marlow